Monday, September 5, 2016

Mha618 week 4 discussion 1 "economic analyses and interventions"

Mha618 week 4 discussion 1 "economic analyses and interventions"

Economic Analyses and Interventions.  Prior to engaging in this discussion, please read
Chapters 13 and 14 in the text and review any relevant Instructor Guidance. It is suggested that you review the
recommended articles to glean any helpful information. Analyze and comment on economic analyses of health 
administrative innovations that are germane to the provision of health services. How have these innovations
become more important in health care delivery within the context of the Affordable Care Act? Develop a list of similarities and differences between cost benefit analysis and cost effectiveness analysis as they pertain to specific 
health care service demands. Compare and contrast economic challenges and incentives as they relate specifically
to cost benefit and cost effectiveness analyses.

Guided Response: Read several of your classmates’ posts and provide a substantive written response to at least
two of your peers. Discuss whether or not you agree with the conclusions provided in your classmate’s initial
post. Choose one aspect with which you disagree and offer an alternative that illustrates innovations in health care
delivery. Explain why this alternative would be a better option and provide at least one peer-reviewed reference
outside of your textbook to support your position. You must also comment specifically on one aspect of your
classmate’s post with which you agree. Provide a brief explanation as to why the statements were effective, and
support your opinion and assertions with appropriate research. In addition to responding to at least two other
students’ posts, it is recommended that you reply to at least one person who responded to your original post by
either respectfully defending your conclusions or by listing how you might implement the changes your classmate

For further help contact our experts team.

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