Tuesday, November 15, 2016

QNT 351 week 2 assignment (data collection)


Use either the data one of your Learning Team members retained from RES/351 or the data from University of Phoenix Material: Ballard Integrated Managed Services, Inc., Part 1. Discuss with your team whether you have data from RES/351, and if your team would like to use one team member's data for the Learning Team assignments in this course. Prepare a 3 page executive summary for the senior management team or stakeholders of your RES/351 research project to present your findings. The cover page and reference page are not included in the three page guideline. Address the following: Present the chosen situation as an overview using a problem statement with a Wall Street Journal citation in problem statement paragraph to show validity of issue. in this case, the issue is employee retention and motivation. This is a critical piece and failure to have a problem statement that incorporates WSJ article results in a grade of D on the assignment. Describe the instrument used for data collection. Identify types of data--quantitative, quantitative, or both--and how the data is collected. Identify the level of measurement for each of the variables involved in the study. Code the data if you have not done so. Describe how the data is coded and evaluate the procedure used. Clean the data by eliminating the data input errors made. Introduce Descriptive Statistics and briefly provide a definition of mean, coefficinet of variation and confidence and interval, use your own words, copy/paste definitions are not acceptable. Explain the actual descrptive statistics you calculated and what it may be telling you and the situation with the company. You can do this by a refering at least one of the questions you analyzed and explain the mean or coefficient of varation you calculated. Using the Graph Data Entry File, make one graph that compares "average or mean" for each question. Create one graph that compares the coefficient of variation for each question and be sure to have it in the main body of the paper along wth a title for the graph, label X and Y axis.Graphs are critical so failure to create a graph and use it in the body of the paper results in a grade of D. Directly below the graph you are to have one paragraph explaining what the graph is telling you so the reader can see it as well. The graphs must be in the main body of the analysis and not placed at the end of the analysis so that its the last paragraph. Make a recommendation based upon data analysis. Survey Analysis Sheet: Using the data set and Megastat or Minitab, you are to calculate a mean, median, standard deviation, coefficient of variation and 95% confidence interval for each question. Then enter the information for each question into the survey analysis sheet. Software must be used for calculations for hand calculations are not acceptable for learning to use software is one of the learning objectives in this class. Submit this completed survey analysis sheet along with your three page executive summary. Do Not Exceed 3 pages. Also submit your excel file where you calculated the descriptive statistics in Excel. The coefficinet of variation you must calculate by hand and can simply listed in the excel sheet. The mean, median, standard deviation and confidence interval are to be calculated in the excel sheet and I will check to see you used Excel formulas for calculations and not simply wrote in the mean, standard deviation and confidence interval. The descriptive statistics option in megastat will do the calculations for you. Failure to use Excel for mean, standard deviation and confidence interval calculation will result in a D on the assignment.

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