Saturday, February 25, 2017

Bios 140 week 6 ilab nervous system and special senses

Bios 140 week 6 ilab nervous system and special senses

BIOS140 Week 6 iLab:  Nervous System and Special Senses

Preview of solution:

Part 1:Watch the “Teen Brain” video in the Week 6 iLab and answer the following questions.
  1. As a teenager, which part of the brain is used for decision making? (5 pts)  
During the teen years, teenagers rely heavily on the amygdala for decision making.
  1. As an adult, which part of the brain is used for decision making? (5 pts) 
As an adult, frontal cortex is used for decision making and judgment.
Part 2:  Read and view the scenario in the Week 6 iLab and answer the following questions.
  1. Which part of the left hemisphere of the cerebrum is responsible for tasting your favorite dish at the family gathering? (3 pts)    PARIETAL LOBE
  2. Which part of the left hemisphere of the cerebrum is responsible for speaking with your family at the family gathering?  (3 pts)   FRONTAL LOBE
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