Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Hr 353 intro to human resources management final exam

Hr 353 intro to human resources management final exam

1. Define “human Resource management”

2. How HR influences organizational performance (76, 80)?:

3. HR initiatives that impact the diverse workforce, the global economy, downsizing, and new legislation (447-448)

4. Factors influencing worker motivation that managers can impact (89):

5. Job analysis (9), job description (177), job specification (177):

6. Compliance with HR law (113-116):

7. Why employees join unions (528)?

8. Employment-at-will-doctrine (592):

Terms and Topics to Review for the Exam

  1. ADA (115) –.
  2. Open Door Policy (594) 
  3. Assessment Center (277) –
  1. Career Progression (181) –
  2. Recruitment (229) 
  3. Job Postings (231)
  4. Job Enrichment (166) –

  1. Attrition (144)
  2. Compressed Work Week (212)

  1. Progressive discipline (207) –
  2. 11. Job content (162) –
  3. FMLA (116) –
  4. Job dissatisfaction (93)
  5. Effective Orientation Programs (271-272) –
  6. Selection Process (229) – Is the process of choosing among those who do apply.
  7. Why Labor Unions were founded (528-530) –
  8. Outsourcing (52)
  9. Technology Sharing –
  10. Kotter’s Research and theory (85) –
  11. Equal Pay Act of 1963 (113) –
  1. Wage garnishment (196) –
  1. HR Planning (136) – Is the process of assessing the organization’s human resources needs in the light of organizational goals and changing conditions and making plans to ensure that a competent, stable work force is employed.
  2. Job Analysis (176 Is the systematic investigation of job content, the physical circumstances in which the job is carried out, and the qualifications needed to carry out job responsibilities.
  3. Incentive plans (427) – Provide financial or nonfinancial rewards to employees who make substantial contributions to organizational effectiveness. There are many kinds of incentive plans, offering various rewards on different bases.
  4. Union Shops (33) – All workers in a bargaining unit are required to become union members after a certain period of employment.
  5. Collective Bargaining (31) – Is the process in which union leaders, as representatives of workers, negotiate with employers over working conditions such as hours and compensation.
  6. EAPs (515)  Employee assistance programs have been defined as more or less structured programs that utilize technical, administrative, and professional human services and personnel people, on either a contractual or an employment basis, to meet the needs of troubled employees.
  7. Laboratory training (342) – Can be described as experience-based learning workshops that utilize one or more approaches, such as case discussions, role plays, computer simulations, management games or problem-solving exercise, and/or relatively unstructured group discussions.
  8. Skills-based pay (168) – Are team members paid according to the number of tasks they can perform or the number of skills mastered.
  9. Mentoring (340) – Is a wise and trusted counselor or teacher; can be on a person-to person basis, or a mentor can meet with a small group of four to six protégés, or both indv and as a group.
  10. Lateral transfers (273) – Employees may be reassigned or asked to transfer from one job to another, one department to another, one shift to another, or one geographic location to another.
  11. Work procedures –
  12. BARS (373) – Behaviorally anchored rating scales focus on a specific job behaviors rather than traits or characteristics. These scales reduce the amount of judgment or subjectivity required of the rater and rely mostly on the rater’s powers of observation.
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