Friday, December 16, 2016

Dbm 380 week 1 individual assignment database environment proposal

Dbm 380 week 1 individual assignment database environment proposal

The following assignment is based on the database environment chosen and created in that last request
Your database project must meet the following assessment requirements:
Design and develop a database using professional principles and standards.
Provide a logical and physical design of the database.
Use relational database software application to develop database.
Provide an entity relationship diagram.
Normalize the database.
Generate and provide test data.
Use a Microsoft® Visio® diagram to normalize the ERD to third normal form (3NF).
Use the Microsoft® Access® database that you just created for me, create a minimum of 10 rows of test data in each table. Also, create at least one query that joins two tables and returns values from both tables.
Note. Only the Microsoft® Visio® diagram must be normalized to the 3NF. The 3NF is not required for a Microsoft® Access® database.
Submit the ERD and final database.

Preview of Solution:

A database is a system designed to organize data. It consists of a collection of raw data that can be processed, sorted and tried to produce useful information. The data in the system can be stored in many different ways. In the days before computers people used tools such as the file of papers, books and other methods used. Now most of our data maintained in files on your computer. Database is a digital recording apparatus for recording the information.
Here are some of the different types of languages ​​used in the management system database.
• SQL is a language model that is supported by the entire base of the management system of the data.
• OQL is an object model standardized language (item group Data Management), which has influenced the design of some of the newer query languages ​​to be used as JDOQL and EJB QL. (Leonsoft Solutions, 2012)
• XQuery is an XML-based language database (also called XQL). SQL / XML and XQuery combines XML in SQL.

Here are some known DBMS Oracle, IBM DB2, Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL. The databases are generally not portable to different DBMS, but different DBMS may interact to some extent. One of the biggest advantages of a database system that allows multiple users to access and update information at anytime, anywhere in the world. This will improve communication throughout the workforce. Another good reason is that the data files are stored in the database will always be safe from the IT department with all security updates going on within the system. A database will have easy access because the information must be aggregated for multiple users. A database effective use will minimize the need for staff to keep the information. Although the initial investment in the database can be very large, It is not able to pay if after a certain period of use. Although the reduction of staff is your goal in the course, the database technology could still be a great advantage for your business. Will add to the productivity of workers, freeing their time for use in other areas.

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